Nine Mile Recreation Trails
This is the official website of the Nine Mile Rec Volunteer Group.
UPDATE MAY 1 2024-
Board Meeting Minutes from April 20th 2024 10AM
Attendees: Lindsay Gropp, Evan Baranyk, Susan Moore, Heather Baranyk, Sabine Soulodre-Gutekunst
-Trail Maintenance-
Increase signage in trail sections
Summer work request for trail sections on Grizz loop, Bobcat, and Yogi
-Safety recommendations-
With icy conditions or low snow pack, consider using skinned skis or walking difficult sections of trail
USE AT OWN RISK reminder for all
E-transfers to ninemilerec@gmail.com are recommended annually for users of the trail to assist with maintenance of the track setting equipment, signage, and trail safety
Meeting Adjourned 11AM
FEB 12 2024-
Big things are in the works! We've had a poor snow year but we're not letting that stop us from cooking up some cool ideas for the Summer. Stay tuned to the facebook page or email us below if you want to help!
There is no "honesty box" or membership fees - BUT, if you love the trails and want to keep them clean and accessible..
Send e-transfers to ninemilerec@gmail.com or use the link below

Always open to snowshoers,and winter walkers. Bring your dog and try the box trail up to the picnic table at the end of Grizz loop for a great bit of fresh air! If you are in for an afternoon, there is a nice bench at the top of Wolverine! have fun!
Deer and moose mainly are sharing the space with us all year.​ We have had bears of course in the summer. Cougars are in the area, seldom seen but you​ should be aware!
Summer time the trails can be wet depending up​on the weather as there are lots of springs. We try to mow, but the box trail is always open right to the back loop, and has the least wet spots!
We have over 10.5 km of groomed trails available for classic and skate skiers. There are six loops that can be combined or directions changed for great variety. Trail maps are at all intersectionsand any major hills are pointed out.
Cross Country Skiing

Pets and Quads
Pets and Quads
As we are not in a provincial park, dogs are allowed off leash. Please at least toss their poop off the track if they happen to leave a mess! Signs are posted for motorized vehicles to respect our trails and please not use them. It takes our volunteer groomers 3 to 4 hours to groom the trails flat and set them. Feel free to pick up any deadfall that is on the trail - everybit helps!
Take a Look at Our Gallery
Take a Look at Our Gallery

The parking lot is just off highway #2 - signs on the highway to find us.
The parking lot is a big loop, so easy to access, even in a small car.
Thanks to our Municipal district #124 boys with the grader for keeping the access clear!

Take a Look at Our Gallery
Take a Look at Our Gallery

our snowcat groomer

Left Image: This is the box trail in the fall - great for walking.
Middle Images: This is a donation from Dale Giroux and his family - helped us with removing a lot of standing dead trees from the fire in 2011.
Right Images: This is our groomer that flattens the trails to 10ft wide. After the groomer does it's thing, a skidoo and a second volunteer follows behind to set tracks to the side of the trail so there is plenty of room for walkers and skate skiers